
Do you feel differently based on how you arrange your apartment or house? Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice based on the idea that where you place your furniture can affect your health, income and relationships. Lots of Americans are getting into feng shui and some, like Amanda’s mother, are even making a business out of it.


Amanda: My mom just retired, she was an art teacher, and guess what she’s gonna do?

Marni: She’s gonna make art!

Amanda: Close. She’s gonna use those skills, but with her boyfriend, they are gonna start their feng shui landscaping business. Is that not cool?

Marni: It sounds super cool…I have to admit my ignorance, I don’t exactly understand feng shui.

Amanda: It’s alright. Feng shui is the concept of placement and direction so that the chi flows the most freely. So whether it’s furniture in a home or lighting or actually if your house is on a hill. You can use the same for landscaping, where a tree is…

Marni: So are you supposed to arrange things differently according to the direction of your house, if your house faces north…

Amanda: Yes, and if you have bad feng shui it’s supposed to give you bad luck and I kinda believe in that. I kinda do.

Marni: So go back and explain the chi. I have to admit, again…

Amanda: Chi has to be able to freely flow from the front door all the way through your living spaces.

Marni: Okay.

Amanda: Yeah. And one point of feng shui for the office is your back should never face the entrance to your cubicle or office. Ever.

Marni: I thought that was more of a mafia thing, like your back should never face the door because they could come in and shoot you from behind.

Amanda: That’s true, it’s kind of Sopranos meets feng shui. Yeah.

Marni: Alright, interesting.


gonna /ˈɡənə/ use /juːz/ those /ðəʊz/ entrance /ˈentrəns/ whether /ˈweðər/ furniture /ˈfɜːrnɪtʃər/ lighting /ˈlaɪtɪŋ/ concept /ˈkɑːnsept/ placement /ˈpleɪsmənt/ actually /ˈæktʃuəli/ direction /dəˈrekʃn/ landscaping /ˈlændskeɪpɪŋ/ supposed /səˈpəʊzd/ arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ differently /ˈdɪfrəntli/ through /θruː/ cubicle /ˈkjuːbɪkl/ interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/