Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. It has been used for thousands of years to treat illness and pain, using thin needles throughout the body. To be a great practitioner of acupuncture takes years of study and practice. People who like acupuncture see their practitioner regularly for treatments to help with their medical problems.

While some people are skeptical of its benefits, many are convinced that acupuncture is relaxing. Even if a person does not have a medical problem, she might want treatments when she’s feeling stressed. Other people believe that acupuncture is important for one’s good health. It is a practice that is used around the world by millions of people.

Jessica and Brian are talking about the benefits of acupuncture. Can you guess who’s tried it and who hasn’t? Learn more in today’s English lesson about alternative medicine.

Brian: So, you have done acupuncture before?
Jessica: I have. I had a friend in college who convinced me to go have acupuncture treatments done. I was a little skeptical at first. But once I got there and they showed me the needles, which was really scary, I found out how relaxing it can be.
Brian: I’m afraid of even giving blood. And I hear it’s really relaxing, but…
Jessica: Brian, you have to be open to the experience. Because honestly, I don’t like getting my blood drawn. I’m pretty terrified of needles. But these are very painless, and you don’t even realize that you have needles in you. I found it to be so relaxing that I would fall asleep while I was having the acupuncture treatment done.
Brian: Do you regularly do it?
Jessica: Not anymore, but I used to. I was doing it weekly.
Brian: Well, maybe I would be open to the experience. And if that worked out, who knows? I could become a practitioner.
Jessica: There you go.

Brian is curious about acupuncture. Even though he’s afraid of having his blood drawn at the doctor’s, Brian has heard that acupuncture can be relaxing and he wants to learn more about it. Fortunately, Jessica has had acupuncture many times and can tell Brian all about her experience.

Jessica used to have acupuncture treatments when she was a student. She was worried at first, but the needles were relaxing to her instead of painful. Jessica tells Brian that he needs to be open to acupuncture. She thinks that he will like it if he tries it.

Do you get acupuncture? What does it feel like? How does it help you?
Grammar Point
Phrasal Verbs

Jessica tells Brian that he needs to be open to experiencing acupuncture. She uses a phrasal verb.

Phrasal verbs are composed of a verb + a preposition or adverb that changes the original meaning of the verb. For instance, a lot of phrasal verbs take the preposition “out.” Examples include break out (get away from), hand out (give to people), and, of course, make out (kiss a lot).

Some phrasal verbs are non-separable, meaning the preposition must directly follow the verb. For instance, you can say “I dropped by the bar,” but not “I dropped the bar by” because drop by is non-separable. Be open to is also a non-separable phrasal verb.

On the other hand, drop off is separable. You can say, “I have to drop offmy son at school,” or, “I have to drop my son off at school.”

Which sentence uses a phrasal verb, “Let’s go to the movies later,” or, “Let’s go over to Erin’s house later”?

convinced v.
made someone to think or believe
It took a lot of arguing, but I finally convinced him that I was right.
relaxing adj.
calming, soothing
I love swimming. I find it very relaxing.
be open to expr.
be willing to experience or hear
I hope you are open to skydiving, because I want to do it on my birthday!
drawn v.
removed from the body, as with blood
Sometimes when you go to the doctor, you have to get your blood drawn.
needle n.
very thin piece of metal with a point on one end, used for sewing and giving medicine
It’s hard to go to the doctor’s when you’re scared of needles.
practitioner n.
person involved in an art or profession, especially medicine
She’s been a practitioner at our hospital for ten years.
regularly adv.
We regularly go to the grocery store. Sometimes twice a week!
treatment n.
way in which someone is given medicine or treated for other problems
Her treatment lasted 3 hours with massage and acupuncture.
work out v.
be successful; end well
We tried dating for a few months but it didn’t work out.
skeptical adj.
not sure about, doubtful
I’m skeptical about my sister’s boyfriend. He seems like a jerk.