You’ve probably had a time in your life when you wanted to make a change. Perhaps, you felt that your life was becoming stagnant, and you wanted to do something new and interesting, such as ride a motorcycle across the country. On the other hand, someone might have given you the opportunity to spread your wings. Maybe, they wanted you to take over an important job or even become the company president.

When you have these opportunities, you can’t wait to make changes. You need to take action now. You need to get this show on the road! When you get this show on the road, you begin to do something. It is usually an exciting time because you will learn many things. You get this show on the road when you begin a trip. You also get this show on the road when you begin a new activity or start an event.

Gary is ready to get this show on the road. Watch today’s English lesson to learn what he has in mind.


Gary: Did you hear about Brian?
Jessica: I did. He’s moving to Paris to be with Lily!
Gary: Yup. And you know what? I think it’s time I got this show on the road, too.
Jessica: What are you talking about?
Gary: I need an adventure. Life for me has been feeling really stagnant lately, and I feel like I need to spread my wings.
Jessica: What do you have in mind?
Gary: Well, I bought a motorcycle. I’m going to drive it down through South America, all the way to Chile.
Jessica: That has to be 6 or 7,000 miles! How long will you be gone?
Gary: That’s the best part! I have no idea.
Jessica: That sounds truly amazing, Gary. But what about If Brian is moving to Europe, and you’re traveling to Chile, what are you doing with your business?
Gary: Well, we’d like you to take over. You can hire new staff and make all the decisions. It’s the perfect solution.
Jessica: You’re making me the company president.
Gary: Absolutely. You have got what it takes, Jessica.
Jessica: I… I don’t know what to say.
Gary: Do you want the job?
Jessica: Yes! Of course I do. Wow! Oh, there is so much to do. I have some phone calls to make.
Gary: Cool. I’ve got a lot of packing to do. So, let’s get this show on the road!
Jessica: Thank you, Gary!


The team at is making some changes. Gary talks to Jessica about his plans for the future. He has been feeling stagnant recently, and he wants to explore something new. Jessica asks him what he has in mind. Gary tells her about his plan to drive a motorcycle through South America. He is excited because he doesn’t know how long his trip will be.

Gary also has a plan for Jessica’s future. He wants to help her spread her wings by becoming the company president. This is a big surprise for Jessica, but she is very happy to take over the company. She will be able to make changes and hire new staff. Gary and Jessica agree that it is time to get this show on the road.

When did you make a big change in your life? Did you enjoy getting this show on the road?
Grammar Point

Talking about his motorcycle trip, Gary says, “I’m going to drive it down through South America, all the way to Chile.” He uses two prepositions.

Prepositions are words that locate something in time and space. They tell us where something is in relation to the things around it. Here are some examples:

“The bird is singing in the tree.”

“She walked through the door at 6:00.”

“I climbed over the wall.”

“We are sitting between our brothers.”

When Gary says, “I’m going to drive it down through South America,” he uses the preposition through to show that he will travel in many countries in South America. When he says, “all the way to Chile,” he uses the preposition to to show the farthest place he will visit.

Other common prepositions include: above, across, around, before, behind, below, by, down, during, for, from, in, inside, into, near, of, onto, off, over, to, under, up, with and without. There are many more!

Which is correct, “I will travel to the US,” or, “I will travel through the US”?


spread one’s wings expr.
try new things; use one’s skills to grow
Mandy was an excellent worker. Now, she’s going to spread her wings and become a manager.
have something in mind expr.
have a plan; think about doing something
The new president has many great ideas in mind.
staff n.
employees; workers at a company
I was on the staff of the Wall Street Journal.
have what it takes expr.
have the needed skills and experience
Lola has what it takes. She’s going to be a great leader.
stagnant adj.
not moving or changing
My life is stagnant. I hate my job, and I’m still in love with my ex-girlfriend. I need a change!
motorcycle n.
vehicle with two wheels and an engine; motorbike
The Hell’s Angels are a famous motorcycle club.
take over v.
do something that someone else was doing before
The new vice president took over the marketing division of the company.
If you get tired of driving, I can take over.
Kobe took over the roll of best basketball player in the world when Jordan retired.
company president n.
CEO; leader of a business
There is an important meeting with the company president tomorrow.
get this show on the road expr.
begin an activity or trip
The car’s packed, and we’re ready to go. Let’s get this show on the road.
pack v.
put things into a bag or suitcase for travel
I need to pack my bags, but then I’ll be ready to go.