There comes a time when some of us are single and ready to mingle. But just because we’re ready to date doesn’t mean that it’s easy to find someone. Some people are too busy with work or school, or they don’t know how to make new friends.

Online dating websites have helped a lot of people to find partners by making it easy to connect with one another. Anyone who uses the internet can use online dating sites. It’s convenient for people to search for love.

Rafael tells Lily that he’s ready to date. But how will he go out and meet people? Learn more in today’s lesson about dating.
Rafael: Do you think that I’m dateable?
Lily:  Sure, I guess. Why do you ask?
Rafael:  I don’t know. I’m just trying not to try too hard, but I just want to date.
Lily:  Have you scanned your dating pool? Are you on any online sites, or…?
Rafael:  Yeah, I’m on all of the sites.
Lily:  All of them?
Rafael:  All of them. I’m really just trying to put myself out there. Trying to be eligible for people to just want to date me.
Lily:  OK. But I feel like you should look for quality over quantity. You want to find the right person, right? So, you don’t need to date a bunch of different people. Unless, I guess you can dictate what you like and what you don’t like. And if you need to date a bunch of people, that’s cool. But you need to be respectful of them.
Rafael:  Lily, answer me this question.
Lily:  What?
Rafael:  Are you taken?
Lily:  Uhh…

Rafael is ready to put himself out there and explore his dating pool. He’s trying to find a date using online dating websites. He’s not sure if he’s dateable, but he doesn’t want to try too hard.

Lily thinks that Rafael should do whatever he wants in searching for a good match. She suggests that he date a lot of people, but to make sure to be respectful. She thinks Rafael is dateable and hopes he’ll meet someone.

Are you single and ready to mingle? Have you ever used online dating websites?

Grammar Point
To, Too & Two

Talking about dating, Rafael says, “I’m just trying not to try too hard, but I just want to date.” Because to, too, & two all sound the same, people often confuse them. Here are some examples of how to use these words correctly.

To is either used as part of an infinitive (to go, to sing, to do, etc.) or as a preposition (to the store, to Rome, etc.). We use infinitives after certain verbs such as love, like, want, or hate. For example, “I want to see a movie tonight,” or, “I hate to study for math tests.” We use to as a preposition when we are talking about where we are going. For instance, “She is going to a party this weekend,” or, “Did you go to the bank today?”

Too is used to talk about the quantity of something (too much, too little, etc.). As an example, “Jeff can’t go with us tonight. He has too much work to do!” In addition, we use too when we mean also. For example, “I like the band Coldplay, too!”

Two is used to talk about the number between one and three. For example, “I have two sisters,” or, “There are two tickets left for the concert on Saturday.”

Which is correct, “Is she going to meet us at the park?” or, “Is she going too meet us at the park?”


dating pool n.
people who are available to date
Brandon is sad that his dating pool is getting smaller as he gets older.
put myself out there expr.
make extra effort to make new friends or find love
Trudy really put herself out there and met a wonderful guy.
eligible adj.
available to do something; available for dating
Jason wasn’t eligible to play basketball for the college team because he wasn’t tall enough.
dictate v.
decide; make rules; make necessary
The company dictates what their employees can wear to work.
single and ready to mingle expr.
not in a relationship and ready to begin looking for a date
Stewart said he’s single and ready to mingle. He’s wondering if you know any available ladies.
partner n.
boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife
Have you met Ian’s partner Andy? He’s really sweet.
convenient adj.
not difficult to use; easy
It’s healthier to cook food on the stove, but it’s convenient to heat food in the microwave.
dateable adj.
acceptable or OK to date; attractive
Tim is totally dateable. I hope he finds someone special soon.
taken adj.
in a relationship
I want to ask Mike out, but he’s taken.
scan v.
look over quickly
She scanned the bookshelf and could not find the novel she wanted.