Humans create a lot of garbage. It’s not only the things we can see, like bags and boxes and paper, it’s also greenhouse gases from driving and running large machines. All this pollution is actually harming the environment. Although making a difference doesn’t have to be hard.

People can take small strides to make a dent in how dirty the world is. They can limit the water they use to reduce waste. They can buy food with minimal packaging. They can take public transportation or bike. Every little bit helps, especially when everyone is working together.

Does Marni or Gary care more about the environment? Find out in today’s English lesson!


Marni: Hey, Gary, can you give me a hand with this recycling?
Gary: Why?
Marni: Because I need to take it out to the recycling bin because the recycling truck’s coming tomorrow.
Gary: Oh, because you think someone’s actually going to reuse it?
Marni: Yes, I do. Because I know that it’s making a difference.
Gary: Why? What’s the point?
Marni: The point is to reuse it so that we’re not putting it in the landfill.
Gary: It’s not going to make a dent in anything. It’s just going to go into another place where all this other stuff is, and it’s garbage!
Marni: How can you say that? I believe in making a difference. I take public transportation everywhere. I recycle everything I can. I use minimal electricity. I limit my showers to only five minutes.
Gary: And I’m guessing you take public transportation…
Marni: Uh-huh, I do!
Gary: …because you don’t want to contribute to hazardous waste that will make its way into the landfill.
Marni: Well, I don’t want to contribute to greenhouse gases that are harming our atmosphere and causing climate change. But, yes, I think it is important that we all take strides to think about our impact on this planet.
Marni asks Gary to help her take out the recycling, but Gary doesn’t really see the point. Marni tries to convince Gary that it’s important to contribute to a better environment by doing small things like taking public transportation, recycling, and not using a lot of electricity.

Gary doesn’t agree, though. He acts like he’s heard everything Marni is saying before, and he doesn’t think those things are making a difference. For him, greenhouse gases and hazardous waste are not very important. It’s up to Marni to fight pollution.

Do you do anything to make a dent in pollution? How important is protecting the environment?

Grammar Point
Present Progressive Tense

Marni tells Gary that she recycles because she knows “it’s (it is) making a difference.” She uses the present progressive tense.

The present progressive tense (also sometimes called the “present continuous”) is formed with the present tense of the verb to be + a main verb + -ing, as in, “He is constantly calling me,” or, “The neighbors are playing their music really loudly.”

We use the present progressive tense to 1) describe an action that’s continually repeated, or 2) talk about an on-going action that’s happening right now.

Words like “always,” “constantly,” or “continuously” are often used with the present progressive to describe actions that are repeated, while phrases like “right now” or “at the moment” often indicate that an action is currently in progress.

Which sentence uses the present progressive tense, “I am learning Arabic,” or, “I learn Arabic”?

limit v.
take or spend less
If you want to lose weight, you need to limit your portion size at meals.
minimal adj.
small or insignificant
Taking the bus makes a minimal impact on the environment.
lend a hand expr.
help someone; do something nice for another person
My best friend offered to lend a hand when I move out of my apartment.
contribute v.
participate; share something with a group
Even though Sam is only 17, he has a job and contributes to his family.
greenhouse gases n.
chemicals that put heat in the atmosphere; gases that create global warming
Carpooling is one way to create less greenhouse gases.
harm v.
hurt; do something painful
Don’t tap on the aquarium. It will harm the fish!
make a difference expr.
create positive change
Painting the kitchen really made a difference. It’s much brighter in there now.
stride n.
step; little thing a person does
Jenna took strides to get rid of her debt. She cancelled credit cards, stopped eating out, and did not go shopping.
hazardous waste n.
something that is poisonous or bad for the environment
Doctors’ offices have special containers for hazardous waste.
make a dent expr.
change something; start something better
I spent all morning cleaning my room, but I barely made a dent in the mess.