
When the temperature starts going up, you might go crazy trying to stay cool. Turning on a fan might help for awhile. However, when it really gets hot, the only way to monitor the temperature is with air conditioning.

Although running an AC isn’t as efficient as using a fan, it’s much more comfortable. With a push of a button, your house feels as cool as you want it. It’s the perfect climate, no matter how hot it is outside.

Why doesn’t Gary want to turn on his AC? 
Find out in today’s English lesson about being frugal.


Jessica:  So, Gary.
Gary:  Yeah.
Jessica:  I just flew back home from Las Vegas.
Gary:  It is hot in Las Vegas.
Jessica:  It was 110 degrees. It was so warm.
Gary:  It was a dry heat, right?
Jessica:  Yes, it was. But everywhere we went, they had air conditioning. And it was so comfortable.
Gary:  This nice climate everywhere. Down in the casinos, up in the room. Everywhere, right?
Jessica:  Absolutely. And I am happy to pay for air conditioning when I live in a very hot climate.
Gary:  In my normal day to day life, I don’t use air conditioning.
Jessica:  Really?
Gary:  Yeah. I like to save energy. I would rather have a ceiling fan because it’s a bit more efficient
Jessica:  Yeah.
Gary:  …than having an AC running all the time. I’m a little frugalwatching the pennies, trying to not spend money where I don’t need to.
Jessica:  Oh, that’s a good idea. I’m very frugal, too. But I do like an air conditioner over a fan because I feel like it’s easier to monitor the temperature. 
Gary:  That’s true. If you’re comfortable using an air conditioner at your place, that’s great. If I need it because the temperatures are just so, so hot, do you mind if I come over?
Jessica:  Not at all. You are more than welcome to come over anytime.

Jessica is telling Gary about a trip she just took to Las Vegas. It was very hot there, but she stayed cool because there was air conditioning everywhere.

Gary agrees that AC can create a comfortable environment, but he doesn’t actually use it in his normal life. He prefers to use a fan because it saves him money.

Jessica says she tries to watch how much money she spends, too, but for her, using the air conditioning is worth it. It’s easier for her to control the temperature, and she doesn’t have to worry about being too hot.

It doesn’t sound like Gary will change his mind, but he asks Jessica if he can come enjoy her cool house if his fan doesn’t work well enough. Of course, Jessica agrees. That’s what friends are for.

Do you use AC or a fan? How hot are the temperatures where you live?


efficient adj.
especially effective, not wasteful, not doing more than is necessary
I’m usually very efficient when I’m at work, so I can get all of my work done very quickly.

climate n.
weather conditions
I love the climate in Southern California. It’s warm there almost all the time.

frugal adj.
thrifty, careful with money
We’ve been over budget three months in a row. We need to be more frugal.

day to day life expr.
what happens every day, routine
My day to day life can be so boring. I want to get out and do something adventurous.

temperature n.
amount of hotness or coldness in an environment or body
I’m not sure what the temperature is today, but it feels really hot!

fan n.
machine that blows air in a circle to cool a room
I plug my fan in every night to cool down my house.

monitor v.
watch; observe
The doctors are monitoring my Grandpa since he had a heart attack last week.
run v.
be powered on; work
The oven stopped running last night, so we had to bake pizza at our neighbor’s house.

watch one's pennies expr.
not spend a lot of money; be careful about what one buys
Sally really started watching her pennies in college so that she would not have to take out any student loans.

AC n.
air conditioning; machine to cool the inside temperature
We just installed an AC, so our house is much cooler in the summer now.